Permanent SSL Keystore Certificate Password

I am having a problem with my generated pkcs12 file using keytool. I ran this command to generate a pkcs12 client-certificate: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore client.jks -srcstorepass password -srcalias clientkey -destkeystore client.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -deststorepass password -destalias clientkey -noprompt The file client.p12 is created and browser loads it and will ask for the password then the … Read more

What’s the difference between a certstore and a keystore?

I’m specifically using openssl in RHEL. What’s the difference between a certstore and a keystore? Answer These are exactly the same thing. However, it is keytool terminology, not openssl terminology. Either way, it stores certificates (such as a list of trusted CA certificates, or your certificates), and private keys as applicable. AttributionSource : Link , … Read more

Security measures of Linux ‘certificate store’

I know that windows is using a kind of master key for encrypting private keys which are stored in the certificate store of the OS. Moreover I found out that the certificates and keys in linux are not always stored in the same location (as descripted in this post). Is there are any equal or … Read more

Create jks for tomcat using .key ,.ca and .cert file

I have three file sample.cert, sample.CA,sample.key provided by Verisign. I need to create keystore for tomcat. As I searched I cannot use .key file directly to create keystore. The command I used is below : pkcs12 -export -in sample.cert -inkey sample.key -CAfile sample.crt -out sample.p12 (I changed sample.CA to sample.crt.) I use openssl to create … Read more

Java keystore: How to import the ca certificates correctly?

We have renewed the certificate of one of our server (apache httpd). For a webservice interface (for mobile clients) we need the certificate also on tomcat, means: stored in a java keystore. We have already our certificate on the java keystore, but the root certificates are still missing. If we list the details of the … Read more TrustedCertEntry not supported

I am trying to secure my private docker registry using SSL encryption. According to this, I need to copy a .crt and .key to a /certs directory and it will work. What I have now is a .csr, .keystore and .cer and a root ca, intermediate certificate. I used Java Keytool to generate .csr and … Read more

Importing root certificates using keystore

I attempted to import AmazonRootCA*.cer into our webserver (Centos 7.7) cacert store running Coldfusion 2018 using the keystore tool. However I’m getting the following message and I’m not quite sure what it means $ /mydisk/cf2018/jre/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias AmazonRootCA1 -file ~user1234/AmazonRootCA1.cer -keystore /mydisk/cf2018/jre/lib/security/cacerts Enter keystore password: Certificate already exists in system-wide CA keystore under alias … Read more

How to include chain.cer in a keystore file?

I would like to create a keystore file with a certificate and a chain.cer file. # openssl pkcs12 -export -chain -CAfile chain.cer -in example.cer -inkey example.key -out keystore.jks -name tomcat -passout pass:changeit Error unable to get issuer certificate getting chain. Question Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Answer keytool is the command you … Read more

SSL connection issue with s_client

I’m trying to configure SSL on two machines (on LAN) from a local CA I created and am hitting an issue when testing with s_client, I can’t seem to locate helpful info w/ my google-fu skills. I’m trying to familiarize myself with info security and seemed like a good place to start. My scenario is … Read more