filenames, ASCII unicode escaped sequences to UTF8 [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question I’m not sure if I’ve grasped the issue here so if I haven’t just say so and I’ll edit the title. My problem … Read more

When I ncpmount a Novell server under Linux (Ubuntu 14.04), I do not see filenames with accented characters

I use Linux on my computer at work and the server uses Novell. I am friendly with the IT staff in a “don’t bother us, and we won’t bother you” kind of way, and I can usually fix my problems myself with a bit of googling. However, there is one problem that I can’t seem … Read more

Character set issues in Postgres upgrade

I am moving some databases from Postgres 7.4.8 to 8.4.5, on CentOS 5. In the old database the encoding is UNICODE. So I did a text pg_dump, created my new databases like so: createdb –template template0 –encoding unicode testdb and imported the data: psql testdb < testdb.dmp >& testdb.out Unfortunately, these errors are sprinkled throughout: … Read more

Postfix header_checks and unicode regexp

Does postfix support unicode regular expressions like \p{Han} to detect unicode scripts? I would like to use them with header_checks. Answer I think what you are looking for called SMTPUTF8. This feature is available in Postfix 3.0 and later. You should also read rfc6531 which specifies an SMTP extension for transport and delivery of email … Read more

Unicode characters in my PHP configuration

Earlier today I was having an issue where I couldn’t setup my PHP7 remote interpreter on PhpStorm I ended up finding out that I have unicode characters in my PHP configuration: I have no idea how that happened and I probably would never have noticed without that PHPStorm issue. I searched here and here but … Read more

How can I set mysql connection charset to utf8 in apache mod_dbd?

How can I set connection charset to utf8 in apache mod_dbd with mysql driver? I could not find any corresponding parameter in DBDParams, something like this: DBDParams host=localhost,dbname=my_db,user=my_user,pass=my_pass,reconnect=0,charset=utf8 which of course there is no such charset parameter in reality. Answer utf-8 is not part of the connection, it’s how the database is managing its charset. … Read more

Debian 9 – libicu60 dependency while trying to install php7.0-intl

The title says it all… I’m trying to install the php intl extension on Debian 9 and get the following error : php7.0-intl : Depends: libicu60 (>= 60.1-1~) but it is not installable Debian repo says libicu60 is experimental and buggy… has anyone overcome this issue? Answer php7.0-intl, according to the Official Debian Stretch packages … Read more

Different results for json_encode in WordPress with php compiled with same configuration and libmbfl version

I have an older Debian server and a local install of WordPress; I’m trying to track down why calling: echo json_encode(‘😀’); on the Debian server results in “\ud83dde00” but on my local install, calling the same json_encode line results in “\ud83d\ude00” (which is what I’d expect to see on the Debian server too)… Both versions … Read more

Displaying Ratio unicode character in putty

I’m wondering if this could be a putty bug. I can’t get displayed properly Unicode Character ‘RATIO’ (U+2236) Basically it should look like a colon but in putty to me it’s just displayed as square. I started from default putty configuration and then tried various settings with Window/Appearance, Window/Translation or locales and environment variables … Read more