Using .local for internal websites [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Top level domain/domain suffix for private network? (9 answers) Closed 8 years ago. Is it okay to use app.mycoolname.local for URLs that are private / internal? We have several applications that are web based, but they are private apps and are not exposed to the public. We have been … Read more

How do I determine what my DHCP server is?

I have a sad network left behind by some careless administrators – I am in the process of figuring out exactly what services are running where, not excluding the possibility that some services are running from two places at once, which is tons of fun. There are two Windows Server 2003 servers, one Windows Server … Read more

Difference between /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf

What is the difference between /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf? Also, is there a good documentation that explain all these configuration files. Thank you. Bala Answer resolv.conf specifies the nameservers for resolver lookups, where it will actually use the DNS protocol for resolving the hostnames. Typically the hosts file is used for administrative purposes, such as backend … Read more