FFMPEG convert live mpd to mpegts promise

I have mpd live url, which plays perfect using shaka web player I want to convert it to mpegts stream I used ffmpeg builds 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.4.0 and latest svn – the same problem And problem is that video (and audio) stops (freezes) approximately after each video segment… I’ve tried different start parameters and result … Read more

FFMPEG convert live mpd to mpegts promise

I have mpd live url, which plays perfect using shaka web player I want to convert it to mpegts stream I used ffmpeg builds 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.4.0 and latest svn – the same problem And problem is that video (and audio) stops (freezes) approximately after each video segment… I’ve tried different start parameters and result … Read more

mpd can only use alsa sound device if run as root – how can I run it als non-root

I try to run mpd on fedora 23 using alsa (pulseaudio removed). However, when running mpd as user “mpd”, I get alsa_output: Error opening default ALSA device: Permission denied So I ran it as user root, and everything is fine. Ok, permission problem – its just that I don’t understand why its not working as … Read more

Multiple audio sources to single ALSA device on different bit rates

I am building a audio streamer based on linux for high quality audio. I have several applications that i want to be able to have acces to the audio device at the same time. (like shairport-sync, roon and music player daemon) I have found the dmix plugin for ALSA which makes it possible to have … Read more

MPD fails to load music

I installed MPD on my raspberry running pidora. I compiled it myself, so there might be a problem with that. I configured mpd as it is written in the normal wiki pages: Here is my .mpdconf music_directory “/var/lib/mpd/music” playlist_directory “/var/lib/mpd/playlists” db_file “~/.mpd/database” user “mpd” group “audio” bind_to_address “” port “6600” auto_update “yes” audio_output { type … Read more