Pasting entire macros in a remote console shell

I am configuring a server using its remote console (which is not SSH, as I haven’t installed the OS yet). Unfortunately after a long series of driver failures I end up repeating typing the following task from Rescue system mount /dev/sda3 /mnt mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi mount –bind /dev /mnt/dev mount –bind /proc /mnt/proc mount –bind … Read more

Need help to hide/show excel rows based on value in a cell, but allow for moving rows around later

In Row 4 I ask a question and D4 will contain the answer of either Yes or No. If the answer is Yes in D4, I want hidden rows 5 and 5 to appear with follow-up questions. This is working for me: If Range(“D4”).Value = “No” Then Rows(“5:6”).EntireRow.Hidden = True ElseIf Range(“D4”).Value = “Yes” Then … Read more

Excel 2010, “Runtime Error ‘32809’: Application-defined or object defined error”

I am having this error when I open up certain workbooks that contain macros. The files are stored on a network drive and this error only happens on a few computers which leads me to believe the workbooks are not corrupted but that it is an issue with the individual PCs. I have tried common … Read more