Auto update changeset hook fails with status -1 [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 10 years ago. Improve this question I am using Mercurial SCM over a LAN using a normal shared folder instead of HTTP. I’m having a problem getting the auto … Read more

pm2 throws error in git hook

My Server throws an error if the following git post-receive hook is called: #!/bin/sh # pm2 start main.js –name powerapp If the command is entered by one by one into the terminal it will work. So what am I doing wrong? Error: remote: fs.js:642 remote: return binding.mkdir(pathModule._makeLong(path), remote: ^ remote: Error: EACCES, permission denied ‘/etc/.pm2’ … Read more

Is there a hook that I can use to detect if one of my hard drive partitions on my server is full?

I have a server with a partition that contains all the uploaded files from my users… It gets empty after the files received are send to the CDN. Everything works. But I am worried that one day the partition might get full. My first question is: What happens when a Linux (Ubuntu 12) hard drive … Read more

Linux (CentOS) – Is there any (feasible) way to add a file write “hook”?

I have a mod_security log parsing script to load data into a mysql database which is then accessed by our Project Management System to display recent flaggings by the rulesets for our developers. The script works great, but I need to work out how it’s called. I could add it to a cronjob but I … Read more

Subversion post commit hook checkout to website document root

We have Subversion running on our Debian development server. We have setup a post-commit hook to checkout the contents of the repository to /var/www/ourwebsite There are about 2GB worth of files and each checkout takes about 10-15 minutes. If we are simply changing a couple lines of code, it will continually keep copying files over … Read more