CentOS stopped loading after I added something to /etc/rc.d/rc.local

I am very new in Linux (first day). I needed to add my program to the OS startup. I could not find a solution, so I tried to do something that could solve my issue. I added my line of text /opt/mono/bin/mono /root/MySoft/UDPServer.exe “$@” to /etc/rc.d/rc.local Now my Centos is frozen in loading screen… Is … Read more

JVM hangs with 100 IO wait on Ubuntu Maverick (AWS EC2 xlarge instance)

Merged with JVM hangs with 100 IO wait on Ubuntu Maverick (AWS EC2 xlarge instance). Have an xlarge instance in AWS running 9 Tomcats with heaps from 256M to 4G. With Ubuntu 10.04 the box sporadically hangs for a few hours with huge run queue (30-40), and nothing on CPU, then recovers. Was suspecting GC, … Read more

After applying patches and rebooting, RHEL 5.3 hangs on udev

I suspect that one of the packages in the last system updated is causing problems with the system rebooting. When I reboot, the server hangs on udev. Here are a list of the updates that preceeded the problem: Oct 21 18:04:03 Updated: 6:kdelibs-3.5.4-26.el5_7.1.x86_64 Oct 21 18:04:06 Updated: httpd-2.2.3-53.el5_7.3.x86_64 Oct 21 18:04:07 Updated: postgresql-libs-8.1.23-1.el5_7.2.x86_64 Oct 21 … Read more

linux server hangs after “running local boot scripts”

after a sudden electricity break down one of the company servers (ubuntu) hangs at boot. I have an OK message for “running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)” but it freeze there and a black screep appears after a couple of minutes. This is an image from server boot: http://i40.tinypic.com/30kat5i.jpg What is the problem and how to … Read more

stresslinux hanging on boot at “NMI watchdog enabled, takes one hw-pmu counter. #3”

I have a Gigabyte GA-z170N-WIFI (32GB memory in two 16GB modules) board that refuses to boot, When booting to real media (I.e. Ubuntu 18 live install CD or it’s installed OS on SDD) it freezes at various points. Sometimes a kernel panic, sometimes it hangs…and it has even hung while working in the CMOS setup. … Read more

How to find cause of server hanging while having only 3 seconds of access

Remote debian buster server, so can’t go to console. Yesterday it worked properly, today it has stopped responding. I can reboot it remotely, so after reboot I can reconnect, but I can only run short command like top and I lose the connection. On top, I found that 100% is clamd, but when I tried … Read more

apache2 + mod_fastcgi + suexec + php5.2 = unstable on high load

I am hosting several (~30) different sites on one server with apache2+fastcgi+suexec+php5. Sites have different loads and different execution times of their scripts (some of them process request for 5-7 seconds, some <1sek). Sometimes when single site receives very high load (all php instances of this site are created and used) – whole apache server … Read more

SmartOS reboots spontaneously

I run a SmartOS system on a Hetzner EX4S (Intel Core i7-2600, 32G RAM, 2x3Tb SATA HDD). There are six virtual machines on the host: [root@10-bf-48-7f-e7-03 ~]# vmadm list UUID TYPE RAM STATE ALIAS d2223467-bbe5-4b81-a9d1-439e9a66d43f KVM 512 running xxxx1 5f36358f-68fa-4351-b66f-830484b9a6ee KVM 1024 running xxxx2 d570e9ac-9eac-4e4f-8fda-2b1d721c8358 OS 1024 running xxxx3 ef88979e-fb7f-460c-bf56-905755e0a399 KVM 1024 running xxxx4 d8e06def-c9c9-4d17-b975-47dd4836f962 … Read more

Tomcat is closing randomly

We are using Tomcat 7.0.21 for production. Server is hanging randomly for last week. It creates files like hs_err_pid4528.log under bin folder. There are two parts in logs. JRE version: 7.0_21-b11 Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (23.21-b01 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops) Problematic frame: C [zip.dll+0x5794] ZIP_Open+0x1690 and Stack: [0x0000000028830000,0x0000000028930000], sp=0x000000002892d430, free space=1013k … Read more