ubuntu samba gio mount issue: volume doesn’t implement mount

I have a fresh install of ubuntu 20.04 where I also installed xubuntu-desktop. In thunar I can access my samba share by typing smb:/// in the address bar. After which it prompts me for my credentials. Everything is accessible. Issue 1: I cannot find the mount in /run/user/<my_uid>/gvfs nor ~/.gvfs, so that I could also … Read more

Ubuntu doesn’t recognize changes on Android internal storage

I connect my “Onyx Boox Max Lumi 2” e-reader (Android 11) to my “Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS” notebook by a USB-cable. Then I use the Onyx reader to edit a PDF file stored in the Android Internal Storage. In “Total Commander for Android” I see that size and modification date of the changed file is updated. … Read more

nfs mount /etc/fstab entry hangs gtk application

I have that entry in my fstab which works pretty well when I’m at home and is in my LAN # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NFS#Mount_using_.2Fetc.2Ffstab_with_systemd /home/user/calibre nfs rw,noauto,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=10,timeo=14,x-systemd.idle-timeout=1min 0 0 Now when I’m not connected at home, on another network, I face that issue launching deluge-gtk where it takes ages to launch and outputs that error … Read more

Vim doesn’t respect fileformat setting on windows share [Solved]

I have mounted several SMB shares (folders are located on windows server) on my linux machine gvfs-mount smb://user@domain@fileserver/sharedfolder I can access files and edit them in vim, but vim enforces fileformat=unix on save. :set ff=dos affect anything. On local files there is no problem. Update: It turned out that the cause was the old version … Read more

Is there a way to connect to a local pc via a gateway without having the gateway shine through?

When I’m at work I can use nautilus to navigate files on other computers of the local network comfortably. Nautilus mounts the other computers file systems using ssh (sftp via gvfs). However when I’m at home I need to connect to a gateway (via ssh) server for security reasons. From there I can ssh into … Read more