Vim Plugin limelight not working with vim in the gnome terminal

all. I am using the gnome-terminal 3.26.1 and vim 8.0.1176. Installing Limelight worked, but when i want to start it, i get the error message in the gnome-terminal Unsupported Terminal. Sorry Limelight works on terminals that support 256 colors. As far as i know gnome-terminal supports that many colors. When i use vim inside xfce4-terminal … Read more

Can no longer open terminal after editing my bash_aliases

I edited my bash_aliases to have a new alias (stars block out my email for privacy sake): alias t_cluster=”u*******” I then mistakenly added this to my bash_aliases (when I meant to add it to my bashrc): if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then . ~/.bash_aliases fi As soon as I saved and exited the bash_aliases my … Read more

Open a gnome terminal through a bash script and call and run an aliased command

I am trying to write a bash script that opens a new gnome terminal window and runs an aliased command. I have seen that instead of using aliases using a function is the proper way to go. I have tried both approaches but I can’t get it to work though, as I am getting an … Read more

Gnome Terminal copy-on-select

I upgraded Ubuntu to Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS. My current version GNOME 3.36.8, and the windowing system is X11. My Gnome Terminal version is 3.36.2. Before the upgrade selecting text in the Gnome terminal copied the text to a buffer/clipboard that could be pasted into any desktop application. After the upgrade, selecting text in the Gnome … Read more

Gnome Terminal copy-on-select

I upgraded Ubuntu to Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS. My current version GNOME 3.36.8, and the windowing system is X11. My Gnome Terminal version is 3.36.2. Before the upgrade selecting text in the Gnome terminal copied the text to a buffer/clipboard that could be pasted into any desktop application. After the upgrade, selecting text in the Gnome … Read more