Why does my screenshot look terrible when previewed in Windows Photo Viewer?

I recently came across an issue that turned out to be much simpler than it was, and I thought I’d document it here. Maybe everyone but me is aware of how Photo Viewer works, but just in case, I thought it would be worth documenting. I was working on a current programming project, which of … Read more

How can I disable CSS scrollbars before taking a screenshot in Firefox?

If I take a full-page screenshot of a Wikipedia page I get the whole page of text, including content that is not currently visible in the Firefox window. If I print the page to PDF, I also get all the content. However, if a web page has CSS scrollbars then even a full-page screenshot is … Read more

How to take full webpage screenshots with no size or length limit? (really long pages)

How can I take full webpage screenshots with no size or length limit? I want to screenshot the search results on eBay with 200 items in view but it cuts off. I have tried Firefox, Edge and Chrome’s built-in tools, including their developer tools for full page screenshot, and various browser extensions, including “FireShot”, “Save … Read more

Win + Shift + S to take screen clippings — OneNote cannot save the screen clipping in the target section

Recently when I use the shortcut windowskey + s + shift to take a screen clipping they are occasionally not getting saved into the OneNote notebook I have them all set to go to. Of the last 10 screen clippings, this has happened 3 times. If I notice, I can press control + V to … Read more

How can convert script.log and time.txt into a gif file?

I make typescript of terminal session with script command. script –timing=time.txt script.log #do something #then ctrl+d And play it with scriptreplay. scriptreplay –timing=time.txt script.log How can convert script.log and time.txt into a gif file? Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : scrapy , Answer Author : Community

How to take screen shot of a window in focus in Virtual Box?

The host is running Windows 10. I want to install Windows 10 in virtual Box and take screenshots of the installation screen. Note that at this point, I can’t installed guest editions. I can take screenshot of entire window of VM with Right CTRL + ALT + PrtScn but not the currently focused window. Is … Read more