Terrible sound listening to Radio 1 on iPlayer specifically

Just recently while listening to radio 1 online, the sound quality has become horrible, sounds all crackly and underwater. I’ve tried reinstalling Flash, and radios 2/3/4 sound fine. It almost sounds like there are two playing at once. When I listen to it through a WMA stream (Flip4Mac), it’s fine. Any ideas? Mac OS 10.6.3 … Read more

Multiple OpenVPN Clients & Binding Interfaces with bind.so – Does not work

Edit I solved the problem through writing a script to generate routing tables and rules, after following @MariusMatutiae’s link to an introduction to policy routing. I’m attempting to run two OpenVPN clients on my Raspberry Pi running Minibian, and bind a specific application (get_iplayer) to one of the VPNs using bind.so as explained here and … Read more

Can’t chromecast some apps when using VPN on Pi

here is my setup: A raspberry pi 3 is running osmc (OS is irrelevant) The Pi is connected to a VPN via OpenVPN. The Pi creates an access point using hostapd (wlan0) The Pi provides DHCP to the wlan0 AP using dnsmasq IP routing tables route wlan0 traffic to the tun0 interface Everything so far … Read more

How to change download location of get_iplayer?

I’m using the get_iplayer script. Downloaded files get saved to “C:\Users\Matt\Desktop\iPlayer Recordings”. How can I change that? Answer Take a look here: https://github.com/dinkypumpkin/get_iplayer/wiki/winsetup#command-line-interface-cli NOTE: Unless you opt to change the default value, the installer sets the location for recorded programmes to iPlayer Recordings on the Windows desktop of the administrator user who ran the installer. … Read more