Choose between multiple keyboard layouts for different users in GDM3

I am trying to set up a computer with multiple users each with different preferred keyboard layouts. The biggest sticking point right now is allowing each to log in comfortably. GDM used to offer a way to choose keyboard layout, but I can’t discover how to set this up in GDM3. All the solutions I … Read more

Linux: wmctrl cannot open display when session initiated via ssh+screen

I’m using wmctrl on an Ubuntu machine to manage windows from a script, that I run inside a (gnu) screen. If I start the screen session from the local machine, wmctrl works fine, including if I completely close the terminal window and issue the wmctrl commands when connecting to the screen remotely via ssh. Conversely, … Read more

What is the correct way to prevent non-root users from issuing shutdowns or reboots

Let’s say that you have set up a multi-seat system for use in a school or library, allowing GDM to launch multiple X sessions to run simultaneously with different users/keyboards/monitors. By default in Debian/Ubuntu in Gnome, you don’t have to be root to shutdown or reboot. But this means any user can choose “reboot” or … Read more