Allow apache / php user to access folder outside of web root

(centos 5.8, php 5, apache 2.3, FMS 4.5) Using Adobe Flash Media Server (FMS) recording from a webcam with a custom app works fine and the flv files are created in /opt/adobe/fms/applications/record/stream/definst Play back of these files via rtmp works fine also and everything is cool. But I’d like to play these files back on … Read more

linux “hdparm -B” what is a good power management value? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 9 years ago. Improve this question I run a home server with Linux (ubuntu). Data (not the os, not swap, not /home) is stored on a large software RAID5 … Read more

Help with video streaming configuration is needed

my client got Dell PowerEdge 1950 server with 6GB ram and quadcore cpu installed. There is Flash Media Server 3.52 running on the server on Win2008. External storage Dell MD1000 connected to this server and it has 6 1TB 7200 SATA harddrives running RAID 10. Client got about 1200 connection to streaming at once. We … Read more

Choosing hardware for Flash Media Server

Having read the answers in this discussion, I still would like to come up with the same question: What should I buy to run Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5? I just have slightly different boundary conditions. We plan to serve video to ca. 1,000 users simultaneously. It will be live stream, so the server will … Read more

How can I simulate blocking RTMP over port 80 on Windows?

It seems like this should be so simple, but since this isn’t my area of expertise, I’m having a hell of a time figuring out how to do it. Basically, I have a Flash app and I’m connecting to a Flash Media Server to stream some content. The URL I’m using to do this, for … Read more

Cant get Ubuntu server to configure network

Coming from Ubuntu server 16.04 I flashed my server and put 18 on it and didn’t realize they changed the way networking happens on the server. I have been using ifupdown forever now Ubuntu is now using netplan I have tried to get the config file made up but every time I run netplan try … Read more

Setting up STP network to isolate traffic from router? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 6 years ago. Improve this question So I’ve been the self taught IT guy in my household for quite some time. I have a household with incredibly high traffic. … Read more