Sort Sheets Alphabetically VBA

I’m struggling on how will I sort the sheets after combining all workbooks into 1. here’s my code: Dim wbDst As Workbook Dim wbSrc As Workbook Dim wsSrc As Worksheet Dim mypath As String Dim strFilename As String Dim saveFolder As String Dim i%, j% Application.DisplayAlerts = False Application.EnableEvents = False Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.AskToUpdateLinks … Read more

Sort and move folders and contents by a criteria

Using Windows 7 I have a folder with several thousand sub folders. Each sub folder may have subfolders of files. A Music Library Might be a good example. I need to sort the top most subfolder and its contents to another location and group by first letter. Example. source d:\Music\Abba d:\Music\All-in-one d:\Music\A Artist d:\Music\B.B. King … Read more

Group rows in excel based on cell criteria, then sort data by a different criteria without losing the grouping

I am struggling to group cells together in excel and sort by a different criteria. I work for a telco company and look at repeat trouble tickets. I would like to group the rows together based on account number in column C while sorting column A which is the technician who completed the ticket. I … Read more

How to sort a list on Excel by letter first rather than the number, even if the cell value starts with a number?

Is there a way to sort a list by the first LETTER of a cell rather than the first NUMBER. I need to sort a list of addresses by the street name not by the street number so I can see the multiple properties on a specific street. Instead of the numerical sorting: 123 Smith … Read more