How to stop continual launching of app?

I’m using Tower for Git. On a commit, I clicked “Difftool”. This launches my merge program (P4Merge). It launches it for every file that needs to be diffed, one at a time. So every time I close P4Merge, the next diff is opened. Tried quitting Tower, no luck. There’s hundreds of files. I have to … Read more

How To Merge Folders With Similar Names With A Batch File

I amm Trying to write a command that can merge all folders inside a directory that have similar names. Now all these folders are uniquely named so I am thinking you can base the “similar name” concept off the first 5 characters of the folders. folder will look like longyellowbus-092092301 longyellowbus-92382012 5fatmimn-324535232 hintout-239119393 hintout-2391038949 hintout-2983419101 … Read more

Make git merge fail on conflict instead of going into a merging state

Is it possible to configure git merge so that it fails instead of making the repo go into a “merging” state when there is a conflict? Something like a –no-conflict option, but I didn’t find anything like it in the documentation. Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : kajacx , Answer Author : Community

FFMPEG – Merging .wav files with acrossfade and getting audio crackling

i’m merging two audio files into 1 with a acrossfade filter. Here is my acrossfade filter config: acrossfade=d=10:o=1:curve1=cbr:curve2=cbr; The merge is working well, but for some files it results in a intense audio crackling when both of files are playing togheter. Thanks for any help. I’m using fluent-ffmpeg, but the commando line should be it: … Read more

Merge Excel rows based on common column values

I have a table similar to the image below. Column A has repeated values, while column B has values corresponding to column A. e.g. a single customer can have multiple orders. What I would like to do is combine the rows, so that there is only one row per unique column A value (customer) and … Read more

How to merge folders that have similar (not the same) names, in a folder keeping as its name the common part of the name of the two folders

I have a list of folders that look like this: 123_S1_R1_001 AND 123_S1_R2_001 456_S25_R1_001 AND 456_S25_R2_001 789_S83_R1_001 AND 789_S83_R2_001 Each of the folder contains a fastq file (eg the 123_S1_R1_001 folder contains the file 123_S1_R1_001.fastq.gz in ). I would like to merge for example the folders 123_S1_R1_001 AND 123_S1_R2_001, into a folder named 123_S1 keeping … Read more