How to insert tab character in Text mode?

I have tried to parse a file language_data.txt, which is edited by Emacs. The different columns are separated by tab characters. But when I opened the file, I found that each of the tab characters had been replaced by many space characters. For example: en_US shiphrah 02005 book reader no connection en_US shiphrah 02006 user … Read more

emacs: how to indent/unindent region of python code by 4 spaces?

I have a region of python code selected in emacs. What are the most efficient ways to indent and unindent every line in it by 4 spaces? Ideally I’d like something that’s not context sensitive (eg. it’ll allow me to indent passages within docstrings where the indentation does not relate to python syntax). My mode … Read more

Linewrap in Org-mode of Emacs?

Does Org-mode of Emacs support linewrapping? I know in the “regular” mode of Emacs there will just be a little sideways-u-turn on the right and on the left on the line after, and there’s no scrolling necessary. However, there are only arrows pointing left and right. Any ideas? Answer The default mode for org-mode is … Read more

Can I create a link to a specific email message in Outlook?

I use Outlook as my email client at work, but I don’t want to use it to manage my tasks and todos. (Instead I use plain text files and Emacs org-mode.) Since many todo items start out as mails in my inbox, I often need to reference these mails. Is there some clever way to … Read more

How can I open a file read-only from command line with emacs/vi/vim

Is there a way to tell emacs/vi/vim (from the command line) that I want to view the file in view-mode or read-only. I know how to open a file as read only if emacs/vi/vim is already running. Answer For emacs: emacs FILE –eval ‘(setq buffer-read-only t)’ There’s no startup option to force read only. Edit: … Read more