How do I make all file types open in the internal editor in eclipse?

When using the open file dialog on Eclipse, many file types open in the internal editor as expected (.java, .txt). However, others open in an external editor. For example on my system attempting to open .sh file causes it to open it in emacs, and .py files open in bluefish. How do I tell eclipse … Read more

How can I edit a file if there is no vi, vim, joe, etc?

Is there a way to edit a file if there are no vi, vim, joe, mcedit? In another words is there a way to edit a file using just the shell commands? Answer In that instance, I’d try transferring files out and editing them on another computer, then transfer them back. If you have ssh, … Read more

In Notepad++, how do I split long lines in several rows?

I usually use Notepad++ for programming, but recently I started doing some writing in it as well. Writing usually involves long paragraphs with no line breaks, and currently those are displayed in one row, which is extremely inconvenient. How can I get N++ to to split lines? I believe that the option is called “split … Read more

Excel: how to undo in current file only?

Microsoft Excel’s undo / redo feature behaves unlike any other program I know. The undo stack seems to be global across all open files, so that undoing sometimes switches to another file and undoes something you didn’t want to undo. And if an edit you want to undo was before an edit in another file, … Read more