Windows 8 & Java Development

I’m considering to upgrade my PC to Windows 8, but I have one concern though. I haven’t yet found any “confirmation”, that the JDK and Eclipse will work on Windows 8. Have anyone tried to develop/run Java-applications on Windows 8? Answer Confirmed – the JDK and Eclipse will work on Windows 8. I’m running Windows … Read more

Is eclipse installation portable?

I downloaded eclipse and unzipped the file into a folder and also added some plugins, changed some settings. If I copied this folder to a pendrive and opened it in another PC, will all my seetings and plugins work out of box? Answer Yes. Eclipse is portable. However you need to specify the workspace folder … Read more

Google Chrome pinned to Windows 7 taskbar not opening under pinned icon

I have both Google Chrome and Eclipse pinned to my taskbar in Windows 7 64-Bit. However, when I launch these programs, they don’t appear to open under the pinned taskbar icon Eclipse behaves similarly. The Eclipse launcher/workspace selector is under the pinned icon, but once the IDE opens, it moves from the pinned icon, to … Read more

How do I make all file types open in the internal editor in eclipse?

When using the open file dialog on Eclipse, many file types open in the internal editor as expected (.java, .txt). However, others open in an external editor. For example on my system attempting to open .sh file causes it to open it in emacs, and .py files open in bluefish. How do I tell eclipse … Read more