Is there a way in Sublime Text to display find results in a panel at the bottom of the current window?

This is a highly useful feature in other editors eg. Eclipse and Notepad++ You get to see the list of find results printed as all the containing lines with their lines in the buffer, which gives you some context, and shows you how the results are grouped by file and line number. Another absolute killer … Read more

How to enable inline JavaScript autocomplete in Eclipse IDE with the Aptana extension

Background I have Eclipse IDE. I have installed the Aptana studio plugin for Eclipse. I am editing an HTML file. JavaScript auto-complete / content assist only works half of the time: Eclipse won’t content assist my functions and variables between <script> tags. But it will work for core JavaScript items. I have searched the Eclipse … Read more

What’s the shortcut to move a line up in Netbeans

I’m looking for a keyboard shortcut to move a line up or down. Equivalent to Eclipe’s Alt+up/Alt+down. I can’t seem to find a similar one in NetBeans. Is this feature hidden somewhere? Answer It’s: Alt + Shift + up/down So quite similar to eclipse AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : denormalizer , … Read more

How to disable Eclipse splash screen?

I want to disable the Eclipse splash screen because it always gets in my way.. How do I disable the Eclipse splash screen? Answer Run eclipse with the -nosplash option. AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : ztatic , Answer Author : soandos

how do I delete an Eclipse project when I’ve already deleted the folder and contents?

How do I fully delete an Eclipse project when I’ve already deleted the folder and contents? I want to do this so that I can reuse the project name. Answer Try removing directly the project within your workspace, within: <workspace>\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\ as mentioned in “Where in an Eclipse workspace is the list of projects stored?“ AttributionSource … Read more

Does IntelliJ IDEA have the concept of ‘workspace’ similar to eclipse with multiple maven projects open in parallel?

I have used Eclipse for years and started using IntelliJ IDEA today. I’m used to being able to import multiple maven projects into a workspace and see them all in parallel. I imported a maven project into IntelliJ IDEA today – no problem. I imported a second one – and it appears to create what … Read more