Error from egit installation

Just installed a fresh 32 bit copy of Java and Eclipse. I’m now trying to add egit for the first time, following the instructions here (using the main repository). I receive this error when I try to install. How do I overcome this? Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not … Read more

Enable HTML5 tags on Eclipse

I really love Eclipse (PDT)… But i’m developing sites using HTML5 and CSS3 and it mark the HTML5 tags like <nav>, <section> and <article> as invalid tags (inexistent). How can I add those new tags to it? And what about CSS3 rules? I read something about remove the “invalid tag” check… and that’s not what … Read more

How to add javadocs to eclipse

Where to add this: so, when I highlight a word in eclipse ide, I will get the help. Answer To add Javadoc to Eclipse: download as many Javadoc packages as you want (they should be in zip or jar archives). Open your Eclipse preferences, and navigate to Java -> Installed JREs. Click on the … Read more

EGit (Eclipse) wrongly interpreting file names with non-ASCII characters?

I recently switched to using a Git repository within Eclipse (Juno SR2), using EGit. In our project, some file names contains umlauts and other special non-ASCII-characters. On the command line, git status show no changes, workspace clean, but Eclipse marks those files as changed: How can I make Eclipse/EGit use the correct encoding for filenames? … Read more

How to find installation path for packages installed through apt-get in Ubuntu?

I have been installing python modules using apt-get which works great using the console or launching files from the command line. However I am using Eclipse for easier organisation of files. Eclipse doesn’t automatically find new modules like terminal does, so I was wondering if there was a way of finding out the install path … Read more

Stick floating eclipse windows on second screen with Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks

When working with eclipse, I’m used to have a floating window with the console and other views on my secondary monitor. Since the update to OSX 10.9 (Mavericks), I still can drag the floating window to the secondary screen, but it keeps popping back to the main monitor when e.g. changing the perspective – which … Read more