Tomcat 8.5.15 not loading static resources

I have upgraded my local tomcat from version 8.0.36 to 8.5.15. I have a project that has static resources (css, js and vm) inside a project in an Eclipse workspace, linked in the pom profile properties of the main project with the tags <static.resources> and <documents.resources>. When I execute the project, randomly during the navigation, … Read more

Installing ECLIPSE CHE throw 150 errors

Installing CHE throw 150 errors Im creating a environment to test and play with the most stable version possible of che but already have another service on my machine using port 8080 then did it: docker run -p 9000:8080 –name che –rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/.eclipseche:/data eclipse/che-server:latest It throw a lot of errors as you … Read more

Loading a project from a virtual machine into Eclipse

Here is the setup – I have a server with the svn repositories containing projects. I have a virtual machine on my Vista computer running FreeBSD acting as a server to test projects locally. Projects are checkedout/committed/updated from the virtual machine. I wish to be able to modify the checked out project on my Vista … Read more

Hosting a subversion working copy in an remote WebDAV folder

This might be a bit awkward, but I’ll try to explain what I am trying to achieve and what problems I encountered. First of all: whats this about? I am currently trying to set up a distributed working enviroment for developing a web page. My plan was to setup a SVN repository for version control, … Read more

Deploying a custom eclipse package

I’m planning to deploy eclipse to approximation 30 workstations running Ubuntu and would like to avoid a long list of settings/downloads that everyone needs to go through before they can start working. The type of things I want to do: Install some plugins (e.g. CDT, Subversive, nothing exotic) Configure a default codestyle Perhaps setting up … Read more

Allow Linux developers to work remotely on Linux dektops [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question My users run either Linux or Windows desktops. They have servers allocated to them with … Read more