flex plugin on eclipse [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question This is not a programming question but i wanted to know How to install flex development plugin tools for eclipse on ubuntu.Point me … Read more

how to solve SVN Commit Issue: forbidden by server

When I tried to commit my code using Eclipse. I got the following error: org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException: The operation is forbidden by the server svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: Changing file ‘D:\workspace\DataItem.java’ is forbidden by the server URL access forbidden for unknown reason svn: Access to ‘/abc/!svn/ver/8211/trunk/01_Application/DataItem.java’ forbidden RA layer request failed svn: Additional errors: svn: … Read more

Shared configuration for Eclipse on Debian server

I’ve manually installed the latest Eclipse on our debian server and wanted to configure it so all users share the same configuration. It turned out less obvious than I thought: I don’t seem to be able to install packages for all users. If I run it myself, all configuration data is saved under my own … Read more

Can’t start Eclipse from command line in Ubuntu

If I double-click on the eclipse icon then Eclipse boots up, but for some reason when I navigate to the directory of Eclipse and run something like sudo bash eclipse I get the error that it can’t execute a binary file. Which is strange because why does double-clicking on it work then? 🙂 Thanks, Alex … Read more

Eclipse on Ubuntu: Rectangles instead of Strings and some Java methods and classes

after upgrading from Ubuntu 9.04. to 11.04 (new installation), I have weird problems with the Eclipse editor. With the Eclipse PyDev plugin, whenever I typ single quoted strings like ‘bla’, they appear as rectangles (both the quotes as well as the string). First I thought this was a problem with the PyDev plugin, but it … Read more

proper user and group configuration for eclipse android jenkins

On ubuntu 10.0.4 Did sudo su Then installed eclipse in /root/eclipse (only wget and unzip, no apt-get) Then installed android sdk in /root/android-sdk-linux_x86 (only wget and unzip, no apt-get) Run with gksudo /root/eclipse/eclipse & No issues. Development working fine. Then installed jenkins in /var/lib/jenkins (using apt-get) Issue: Now when I use jenkins “Execute shell” option … Read more

Use the Fedora Yum command after installation, how to configure

When i use command “yum install exlipse*”after installtion, display eclipse-cdt,but in eclipse cannot edit C/C++ project, not clear when Yum after general to eclipse do configuration Answer Yum doesn’t perform any sort of configuration; it is up to the packages themselves to supplement other packages’ configuration or to supply a configuration of their own. AttributionSource … Read more

WebApp won’t compile in CentOS 7 server, but does compile in Windows

I am getting a “resource marked as read-only” error when I try to compile a war file on a CentOS 7 installation. But the same eclipse project does not throw any compilation error on Windows after I zip the project up, transfer it to windows, and then import it into eclipse in windows. I have … Read more