CRC error in several compressed files

I have a server which backs up itself on another server with duplicity (actually duply). The full backup is about 330 1-GB files. The full backup finished without problems, but the next day the incremental terminated with “CRC check failed”. On the backup server several files appear to have a problem: # gzip *20170530* –test … Read more

Find file duplicates and convert them into links [WINDOWS] [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 5 months ago. Improve this question My users tend to save tons of duplicate files what consumes more and more space and generate HW and archiving cost. Im thinking … Read more

Practical use of hard link

Seems most of the people say they use hard link is to do incremental backup 1, but as we already have more advance backup methods such as Duplicity or rdiff-backup, so can I say it is almost useless in today environment now (from the user point of view)? 1 Answer A link is a … Read more

duplicity SSH-RSA key fingerprint of format 102:

When I try to run duplicity between two Ubuntu servers, a message is displayed: “The authenticity of host …… can’t be established. SSH-RSA key fingerprint is 102:…:…:…:…:…….” The fingerprint appears to be made up of 16 numbers in the 100s-200s range Does anyone know what this format is please? I’m struggling to find a way … Read more

Duplicity on a ReadyNAS

Has anyone here run Duplicity on a ReadyNAS? I’m trying but here’s what I get: duplicity full –encrypt-key=”ABC123″ /home/jason/ scp://jswett@ Invalid SSH password Running ‘sftp -oServerAliveInterval=15 -oServerAliveCountMax=2 jswett@′ failed (attempt #1) I’ve also found this post that says the “Invalid SSH password” message doesn’t actually mean invalid SSH password. This would make sense because I’m … Read more

Duplicity Backups (via Duply) to S3 – high server load

We have been doing incremental backups using Duply on our main server, to an S3 bucket. However, we’ve found that there is a high server load during the backups (its an Amazon EC2 server). We’re thinking this may be due to it checking every file on S3 to see if there are any changes. What … Read more

Duplicity: No Shell Expansion with Globbing Filelist?

I am running a Samba PDC with both home directories and Win7 (roaming) profiles under ‘/home’, i.e.: /home/[user name] /home/samba/profiles/[user name]/win.V2 For backup purposes (duplicity 0.6.18 on Debian 7.6), I am only interested in a user’s home directory and the respective ‘Documents’ profile folder. My exclude globbing filelist looks like this: + /home/samba/profiles/*/win.V2/Documents – /home/samba … Read more

Duplicity backup restore to the same system or other system had issue

I have installed the duplicity on centos-7 and I was able to encrypt the data and able to restored the same on other server. duplicity –encrypt-key=’12005FB81112′ etc.gz scp://xyz@ when I restored the backup I was able to restored the same in original server. duplicity restore –ssh-askpass scp://niraj@ /backup But the same command when I run … Read more

How to restore with Duplicty if Temp space has 0 available?

Normally this command works properly for restoring: duplicity restore -t7D –file-to-restore folder/to_restore file:///where/is/the_backup/ /where_to_restore –no-encrypt But today I am having this error: Temp space has 0 available, where_to_restore needs approx 34078720. Following the duplicity FAQs: I have added TMPDIR=”/usr/tmp” to the bash_profile and done source ~/.bash_proflle but did not work. Also, tried adding –tempdir … Read more