How to install a specific version of PostgreSQL in Red Hat 8?

I’d like to install a specific version of PostgreSQL in RHEL 8 with dnf. To achieve this I followed the PostgreSQL guide : But actually I can only install the last version (12.9) not the 12.4 (the version I want). The version is however present in the repository : See : If I … Read more

certbot installation on CentOS 8 fails

Trying to install certbot on CentOS 8 with sudo dnf install certbot python3-certbot-nginx, as suggested at certbot’s website fails with the following error Error: Problem 1: package python3-certbot-nginx-1.3.0-1.el8.noarch requires python3.6dist(certbot) >= 1.1.0, but none of the providers can be installed – package python3-certbot-nginx-1.3.0-1.el8.noarch requires python3-certbot >= 1.0.0, but none of the providers can be installed … Read more

CentOS 8 yum/dnf update fails over internet connection

I have a squid proxy server on CentOS 8 and whenever I install a package it returns lines along the following: [MIRROR] git-core-doc-2.27.0-1.el8.noarch.rpm: Curl error (3): URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL for //Unfocus the text-area./Packages/git-core-doc-2.27.0-1.el8.noarch.rpm [ malformed] [MIRROR] git-2.27.0-1.el8.x86_64.rpm: Curl error (3): URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL for //There was some … Read more

Failing to download metadata with DNF upgrade playbook

i’m trying to learn something about ansible and the automation, unfortunately I’m getting frustrated at the early step. I just tried from debian 10 machine with ansible to write a yaml to upgrade 2 Oracle linux hosts, following a guide. What I’ve done is this yaml file : root@deb-ansible-01:/opt/install_packages# cat upgrade.yaml — – hosts: puppa … Read more

After power failure restart both DNF and YUM stopped working, do nothing, not even metadata check

My environment, happily functioning for a long time, experienced a power outage – of course, the immortal power supply was offline at the time, needing new batteries. As the administrator, I know there hadn’t been any updates in some time and there were no administrative tasks going on at the time. And, I know it … Read more

CentOS 8.3 – How to switch a PHP installation from Remi to AppStream?

Currently running PHP 7.4 from Remi. It was a modular dnf installation that replaced PHP 7.2 AppStream packages back when 7.2 was the newest PHP available from CentOS. In other words, Remi packages are the system PHP configured with /etc/php.ini — as opposed to an additional PHP installation that uses /opt/remi/PHP74/php.ini. Lately however, CentOS AppStream … Read more

dnf update with nobest option

I’ve got following error during update: Error: Problem: cannot install the best update candidate for package glibc-gconv-extra-2.28-167.el8.x86_64 nothing provides glibc-common = 2.28-181.el8 needed by glibc-gconv-extra-2.28-181.el8.x86_64 nothing provides glibc(x86-64) = 2.28-181.el8 needed by glibc-gconv-extra-2.28-181.el8.x86_64 (try to add ‘–skip-broken’ to skip uninstallable packages or ‘–nobest’ to use not only best candidate packages) It’s caused by our staging … Read more

Duplicate GPG key CentOS 8

If I run dnf check I get the following message: centos-gpg-keys-1:8-2.el8.noarch is a duplicate with centos-gpg-keys-1:8-3.el8.noarch How do I get rid of centos-gpg-keys-1:8-2.el8.noarch, I’ve found different commands online with the rpm command but without luck. Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : James , Answer Author : Community