VMWare device mapper size smaller than parition size

I am trying to understand what is going on with my VMWare instance. I have had 50GB partition that I extended to 150GB and resized the partition. However, the partition still shows that it only has 50GB size. Here is a screenshot from GParted: Here is the output of parted -l Model: VMware Virtual disk … Read more

Linux, dev-mapper: How to mount a folder with different options than parent folder

I’m using CentOS 7.1 with device-mapper, and /home mounted as /dev/mapper/centos-home on /home type xfs (rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,noquota) I’d like to include in fstab an entry for mounting /home/xyz with different options than those for /home (e.g. noatime) I’ve tried on a PC that doesn’t have dev-mapper: mkdir /xyz mount –bind /home/xyz/ /xyz -o noatime Would the … Read more

duplicate entries /dev/mapper

The system is Fedora 23. This occurred after a system upgrade. The issue is duplicate entries in /dev/mapper. As seen by /dev/mapper each partition is represented twice. How can the device based names be removed? ls /dev/mapper shows: fedora-home fedora-root21 fedora-secure fedora-var SAMSUNG_MZMTE256HMHP-000SO_S1F8NYAF201142 SAMSUNG_MZMTE256HMHP-000SO_S1F8NYAF201142p1 SAMSUNG_MZMTE256HMHP-000SO_S1F8NYAF201142p2 SAMSUNG_MZMTE256HMHP-000SO_S1F8NYAF201142p3 lsblk shows: sda 8:0 0 238.5G 0 disk └─SAMSUNG_MZMTE256HMHP-000SO_S1F8NYAF201142 … Read more

sar -dp reports individual disks higher than their devicemapper logical volume

I am trying to figure out how sysstat is reporting the utilization of the device mapper logical volume, lower than the individual disks that make up the logical volume. I keep trying to do the math but I cant make sense of it. This is the description of that column in the man page: %util … Read more

What are the best practices for device-mapper multipath?

Background: We are setting up the new storage for an HPC Compute cluster for applied statistics, bioinformatics, and genomics. Contrary to our expectations, an active-active configuration did not improve I/O performance compared to failover under various I/O loads. Question: Under what scenarios would you fiddle with device-mapper multipath configuration e.g. set up an active-active configuration … Read more

Udisks2 rule to ignore BTRFS-in-LUKS array member disks

On Ubuntu 20.04 PC’s with a btrfs (in crypto / LUKS) raid-1 disk array, file managers (nautiuls, thunar, etc) show duplicate entries for the [logically] same disk, and repeatedly mount duplicate /media/User/DiskLabel-N. Request: I’d like to prevent user clicks in the file manager from mounting multiple copies of the array; they pollute the UI, as … Read more

Seeing Multiple Partition for same LUN

Anyone knows why I am seeing multiple device for the same LUN?I checked with storage team they only exposed 360000970000196801239533036304532 for this server but why I am seeing these many partition(p1..p7) lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Jan 20 16:30 360000970000196801239533036304532 -> ../dm-39 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Jan 20 16:30 360000970000196801239533036304532p1 -> ../dm-64 lrwxrwxrwx 1 … Read more

How do you specify how much disk space for each mount point on vsphere?

I created a vm via the vsphere web client. The ESX version is 6.5 and the vsphere version is also 6.5 Via the menu: create virtual machine Option 2f: customize hardware Virtual Hardware: New Hard disk I selected 128GB and created my vm But when I run df -h I see the following: Filesystem Size … Read more

dmcache – is removing cache device without suspending safe?

I’m using plain dmcache for SSD cache – unmount procedure goes this way: umount fs suspend cache device remove cache device close lvm close LUKS shutdown However sometimes dmsetup doesn’t allow me to remove cache device throwing Device busy error, even if everything is synced before umount. Usual “fix” is to not suspend cache, sync … Read more

Is it possible to extend the data device of an Thin Provision pool setted by device mapper?

TL;DR : How can I extend the Thin-Pool if I’m not using LVM but Device Mapper itself directly? Detailed version: As far as I know, when we create a thin-pool by dmsetup, we can set a low_water_mark; once the watermark is reached, a dmevent will be sent and the guard-daemon could extend the pool right … Read more