Problem installing Dropbox on Ubuntu 12.04 (Crouton)

I’m using 12.04 with Xfce on a Chromebook using crouton. The package downloads and says it needs to install proprietary software. It seems to finish and then just does nothing. It also does nothing when I try and run Dropbox again. I have just successfully installed on another machine (14.04, Xfce, non-Chromebook) where after installation … Read more

Djvu viewer in Chromebook?

I was able to find only Djvu Viewer extension here but very bad ratings so there must be some better or even native solution. So How can I see DJVU files in Chromebook? Answer You can use Evince filve viewer on your chromebook, like is here. AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : hhh , … Read more

Chromebook does not show the app page

A friend has two google accounts and one chromebook. Neither google account will display the app page on the chromebook. Prolly not helpful, but included is a screen capture of the message. screen capture showing the “Page Not Displayed” message Logging into any other computer using either of his two google accounts does properly display … Read more

Where is refresh on my chrome OS PC

So I have installed chrome OS on my old dell laptop (Inspiron E1705), and in order to set it to developer mode i need to press ESC+F3+Refresh or something like that, now where is the refresh button/what is it on my DELL PC? Thanks a bunch! -Lucas, CO-CEO of EDG Answer F3 Source: Use your … Read more

low storage after installation of chrx on chromebook

so today i tried to install chrx on my chromebook. i executed the command cd ; curl -Os && sh go and it prompted me to enter an amount of storage it wanted me to have it save. it recommended 23gb and my chromebook comes with 32. so i entered 23. it accepted, then … Read more

How to get Ubuntu on Chromebook without Dev Mod? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Super User. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question How do you get an Ubuntu terminal on Chromebook without Developer mode? I am using a school issue chromebook. Answer Chromebooks do not … Read more

low storage after installation of chrx on chromebook

so today i tried to install chrx on my chromebook. i executed the command cd ; curl -Os && sh go and it prompted me to enter an amount of storage it wanted me to have it save. it recommended 23gb and my chromebook comes with 32. so i entered 23. it accepted, then … Read more