Need to boot into chkdsk from USB on Windows netbook

While attempting to install Ubuntu on a 32-bit Windows XP netbook, the partition resize operation failed due to inconsistencies in the NTFS filesystem (lesson learned: run chkdsk /f in Windows before trying to resize a partition in Linux). Now the installer only gives the option to replace Windows with Ubuntu, the partition can’t be resized … Read more

How to run Chkdsk on all drives at startup on Windows Server 2003R2

I am struggling to find a way to automate chkdsk /f on all drives at startup, as so far I couldn’t accomplish this task. Cannot use chkdsk in a batch file, as it would require user intervention (Y/N prompts in case of locked volumes). The “fsutil dirty set ” method will not work completely, only … Read more

ChkDsk Timout during repair attempt

I started chkdsk H: /F /R /X as admin on a SATA harddisk (WD Caviar Green 1TB) that I mounted using an USB adapter. After a while the operation timed out with the message The specified I/O on \Device\Harddisk3\DR60 was not completed before the time-out period expired. The drive has severe problems but I managed … Read more

Are there any problems with running chkdsk /R on a RAID5 array that shows no errors?

I had a 1TB RAID5 array and Windows is showing “corrupt $Mft” and “unable to read file” errors. It says I should run chkdsk but I’ve heard not to do that when using RAID. Answer Whether or not the underlying physical storage device us using RAID has nothing to do with checking the integrity of … Read more

How to automate disk checking in Windows?

Chkdsk is a very manual, technical solution Hard Drive checking in Windows reports a lot of unnecessary info, requiring that you read through it the chkdsk report, etc. Also chkdsk can’t fix problems on an in-use files (like the Windows drive). It seems like a little thing, but a non-technical user can’t understand ChkDsk results … Read more

Error 0x8007045D when trying to copy a file

I have a Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 machine and I’m trying to copy a file that is 4.00GB on an NTFS drive and am getting the following error: Error 0x8007045D: The request could be performed because of an I/O device error. I have tried using chkdsk (many variations, such as /F), rebooting to safemode … Read more

CScript.exe – Corrupt file

I’m getting the following error on a Windows Server 2003 machine: “CScript.exe – Corrupt file. The file or directory C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility.” I have a few questions: Will running Chkdsk cause problems, such as making the computer unbootable into the Operating System? Which should I download a copy … Read more

Do I need to re-install .NET (or something) after mscorlib.dll chkdsk error?

After noticing that some periodic hanging behavior on my Dell XPS 210 (running Vista 32-bit) seemed correlated to disk activity, I ran chkdsk /r. The system seems much better, for now. However, I still have a concern. It found and fixed a bunch of files but they were mostly just data such as pictures. Two … Read more

Run chkdsk on a headless Windows 2008 R2 Server?

I have a Windows 2008 R2 Server which is running headless. It’s a full installation, without a monitor, keyboard or mouse. For the last few days the machine has suddenly stopped responding at random times. It can still be pinged, however it’s inaccessible via remote desktop, and none of the web application running on it … Read more