Need to make sure about chkdsk issue

As you can see, i ran chkdsk /r on hard drive which got some bad sectors and this is screenshot for last moment before i stopped chkdsk. i canceled chkdsk after ran some minutes because i heard run chkdsk /r on hard drive with bad sectors can lose data. So according to this chkdsk prompt … Read more

CHKDSK erases VHDX That threw Corrupted/Unreadable Error

A windows 7 Virtual machine instance running on a windows 12 server had a ‘blue screen of death’ with a REGISTRY_ERROR (Code 51). After several unsuccessful reboots (successfully to safe-mode but could not a safe-mode with networking) a CHKDSK was run on the drive that stored the VirtualMachine’s hard disk (.VHDX) Once CHKDSK ran the … Read more