Check_mk check for perl plugin which is at check_mk_agent side

I have one perl script I want to use it as a nagios plugin. Here is the github location for this script I want to use this perl script as check_mk_agent plugin, how do I create a check_mk check for this plugin? Please someone could help me on it? Thanks Answer I don’t really … Read more

Check_mk and wildcards

I’ve successfully set up check_mk 1.28 via OMD, which I know supports wildcards and regex for assignment of hosts/services to groups. I’ve tested the wildcards in the search box successfully, but the groups are not being populated and are showing up as “ineffective”. All searches I’ve seen so far say that this should be possible, … Read more

Restart Service If TCP Check Fails or Timeout

We are using check_mk WATO to monitor our production infrastructure and all the services. Currently, we have HTTP checks for our application. We would like to have an event driven monitoring system where if an event is triggered, nagios/check_mk should perform certain action, like restart tomcat if HTTP check times out. Is there any option … Read more

Cannot connect to remote site: Authentication to web service failed

I’ve installed Check_MK 1.2.8p9 (an open monitoring distribution of Nagios) on two servers and I’m attempting to connect the second host to the master. On the Distributed Monitoring WATO page I’ve added the second host as a slave. When I click the “Login” button and enter the “Administrator name” and “Administrator password” I get the … Read more

Check_MK NTP UNKNOWN – no information from NTP: timeout in ntpq -p or NTP daemon not running

Would really appreciate some help with this. I have a remote server that keeps giving me “UNKNOWN – no information from NTP: timeout in ntpq -p or NTP daemon not running” through our Check_MK monitoring. Other servers in comparison seem to be completely fine. Aksing Check_MK support and they tell me that this is a … Read more

missing dependencies for check_mk on ubuntu (omd-1.20) php5 and perl5

I’m following the install/setup instructions which are available on both the check_mk and DigitalOcean sites to setup monitoring based on a Ubuntu server. However I am getting errors that several dependencies are missing after installing via dpkg -i omd-1.20.wheezy.amd64.deb. I’ve manualy downloaded and installed serveral packages, downloading from, and I’m now stuck with the … Read more