Multiple ssh access types from a given user1/client to the same user2/server

I want to access from one user/client combination (say, user1@cl) to a user/server combination (say, user2@srv) via ssh, with two different types of Access: Access type #1 would be restricted to interactions with a bazaar repository. For this, I added a line (#1) in ~user2/.ssh/authorized_keys like command=”bzr serve –inet –directory=/repodir –allow-writes”,no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding ssh-rsa … user1@cl Access … Read more

Bazaar: check out specific subfolders

How can I check out only certain subfolders from a branch in Bazaar? Example: Given the branch consisting of: /myapp /myapp/doc /myapp/bin /my /myapp/bunch-o-crap how do I create a versioned working copy of just /myapp/doc /myapp/bin Answer You can’t. Distributed version control software like git, mercurial and bzr do work on the complete repository as … Read more

Does anyone know how to use a Bazaar repository with TeamCity?

I am using Bazaar for some projects and generally like it. I recently started looking into integrating it with TeamCity and thought it would be quite easy until I found that it wasn’t supported out of the box. I have installed the bzr4j ( plugin and found that it did show Bazaar as an option … Read more

Configuring Bazaar repository on Linux

I already figured I can run the server by running (assuming repository is in /var/bzr): bzr server –directory=/var/bzr But now a couple of questions arises: This doesn’t solve a problem of starting bazaar automatically when server boots. I assume the best way would be to make a script in /etc/init.d that would run and stop … Read more

Expand bzr branch to include parent folder

I have the following directory structure: Documents —-Incoming —-Originals —-Processed —-Working Originally I thought I only wanted to track Working, so I made a bzr repo in there. Now I’ve decided that I actually want to track the whole folder. How do I expand the repository to include the parent directory? Answer Create a new … Read more

How do I specify the port to connect to Launchpad code? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 9 years ago. Improve this question My server uses a non-standard SSH port (not 22) for connections and now I am trying to grab some code from Launchpad and … Read more

How can I share a live BZR repository with multiple users?

I’m not sure how best to ask this question. Over several years I’ve developed my way into a corner and need to figure some things out. I almost certainly haven’t been following best practices up until now but there you go. I make and host Django websites on my own Linux (Ubuntu) server. I manage … Read more