Web log file analysis software to measure search crawlers

I need to analyze the search engine crawling going on in my site. Is there a good tool for this? I’ve tried AWStats and Sawmill. But both of those give me very limited insight into the crawling. I need to know information like how many unique/distinct webpages in a section of my site was crawled … Read more

Report to Multiple Google Analytics Property IDs?

Is it possible to have Google Analytics report traffic to a given page to more than one Profile ID? If so, are there any special considerations or recommendations for doing such? I can’t seem to find anything about doing this in the Analytics documentation. Can I just call _gaq.push([‘_setAccount’, ‘UA-xxxxxxx-x’]); multiple times? Or would the … Read more

Which log file can I use for server port analytics?

Ideally I’d like to use piwik to track conversions from ads to server connections on port 5000 and port 5001 but I highly doubt that is even possible. I’m willing to settle for [ipaddress,time connected, time disconnected] and I’m fairly positive I will be able to code a parser that outputs the information in that … Read more

Using awstats to monitor/graph visitors on a server that only serves images?

I have an apache webserver that serves up images. Lots of machine generated images (i.e. not static files). It doesn’t serve any serious amount of html etc. files. A user might request many images one after the other, which is essentially a form of “visitor” to the web site. I want to use awstats to … Read more

Provide Unix Socket connection information for Apache Superset

I have a docker image of Apache Superset running in Google Cloud Run. I have configured it to use our Cloud SQL host for its metadata DB. Due to how you connect Cloud Run to Cloud SQL, this required using the unix socket style connection string in SQL Alchemy to get it to connect ( … Read more

Web Analytics Services – Do you have any experience with Piwik?

As the question suggests, I’m looking at installing Piwik to monitor my sites. Currently I’m using Clicky, which works well but I’m reluctant to upgrade to the paid version. Does anyone have any experience or advice about this application? Answer Piwik is a good stat tool. It isn’t as beautiful as GAnalytics, but does its … Read more

Analytics per user account on Windows Server 2008 R2

Are there any kind of logs per user account, for eg: hours logged in, etc. Or any kind of third party software’s to analyze software usage patterns per user account on Windows Server 2008 R2 Answer The logs exist, but they require 3rd party abstraction tools to get at. On individual workstations, if you analyze … Read more

Monitoring and logging website traffic

I have website where i provide different services.When users log in i want to monitor all that they do and store them up in a log file of that particular user and send them an email weekly to the users of what they have done and what services they have used.I also want to monitor … Read more