Disable “left swipe gesture / app switching” in Windows 10 on Surface 3

Is it possible to disable ‘left swipe / gesture’ or ‘App Switching’ in tablet mode on a Surface 3? I am Left Handed and whenever I use the ‘Pen’ in One note, my palm rests on the left hand edge and opens up the App Switch view constantly. I have disabled tablet mode, disabled the … Read more

Atom on macOS: doesn’t switch to app when opening file from shell

Using Atom (latest version) on macOS 10.15.6 Catalina. I often open files in Atom from the shell, like this: atom SomeDocument.txt When Atom is not running yet, Atom correctly appears with the specified document opened. However if Atom was already running (which is often the case), regardless if it already had one or many or … Read more

How to use the alt-tab-menu to switch immediately to the last used window [GNOME 3.32.2 @ Manjaro]

If i pressed ALT + TAB on Windows, It just selects the last used window. On my gnome, it selects a random one (maybe sorted by application or so). I want the Windows behavior back. The first step was to change the view of the alt-tab-menu from applications to windows. I’ve done that as mentioned … Read more

Removing a program from the Microsoft Windows 7’s native window switcher

On Microsoft Windows 7, hitting ALT + TAB opens the Microsoft Windows 7’s native window switcher. Is there any way to configure it in such a way that it never display windows from a given program? E.g., I would like it to contain no windows from Google Chrome. Microsoft Windows 7’s native window switcher = … Read more

Alt-tab switcher interrupting multiplayer games

I am having a problem with the alt-tab switcher popping up and interrupting games and it is driving me crazy! I will be seriously indebted to anyone who can help solve this for me. Here’s some additional info: 1) It’s not that the window is fully minimizing, just that the window switcher is popping up, … Read more