How to sync windows server folders with a AIX server using script?

Everyday I would like to sync the files and folders in the windows server with AIX server and vice versa. Does anyone suggest me, How I can write a shell or bat script to achieve this? Answer Have a look at rsync and search for this term here, you will find many tips regarding this … Read more

Execution “df” command on AIX with the bash

it’s very strange that when I am executing df command on AIX with bash like  bash -c “df /” I suppose it will be executed like on Linux, but still the result is same like korn shell. Please give me explanation to this. How can I somehow to be sure that df command output will … Read more

AIX operating system versions? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for … Read more

PTY is not working

I have a problem when trying to log into a server with my ssh keys, it throws me the message: “key_load_public: invalid format PTY allocation request failed on channel 0”. I try to fix this by increasing the PTY number of terminals, restarting the sshd service, killing the ssh processes, but didnt solve anything I … Read more

How to remove some character from a string in Unix?

I have two string like this a=[2018:09:11-18:37:06:376476] b=[2018:09:11-18:37:06:376446] I want two string like a= 20180911183706376476 b= 20180911183706376446 Can Anyone please help me out? Answer If your shell supports “//” substitutions in variables you can use a=${a//[]:[-]/} (notice that “-” should be last and “]” should be first in the […] range expression. If not, you … Read more

how i can make windows server 2003 see some directory from UNIX-AIX?

how i can make windows server 2003 see some directory from UNIX-AIX Answer Share it out with NFS then configure Windows Services for UNIX Other alternative is to configure Samba on AIX & share it out that way. AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : Mohammad AL-Rawabdeh , Answer Author : Nick Kavadias

rsyslog TLS on AIX

I am trying to forward logs with rsyslog (8.4.2) on AIX 7.1 and I need to encrypt with TLS. However it seems I need rsyslog-gnutls package. I can’t seem to find this package anywhere for AIX. Best I could find is and that is for rsyslog version 5. I really don’t want to downgrade. … Read more