Use Flash Player after 12 Jan 2021

I would like to use Flash Player to show web contents but since today (12 Jan 2021) Adobe is blocking it. Is there a way to use it? I’ve tried Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Brave browsers. Answer I managed to make the “time bomb defuser” work, as indicated here: Disable EOL uninstall warnings: Disable auto … Read more

What is a “Programmer” in the context of Bios Recovery?

I was reading about BIOS recovery and ran across the word “programmer”. (No, it’s not talking about people.) What is it referring to? Answer The BIOS is usually stored on an EEPROM chip — an Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. Under ideal conditions you can flash it with a little bit of software. If things … Read more

How do I Install Flash Player 10 without Adobe Download Manager?

How do I get Flash Player 10 (on Firefox) without installing the Adobe Download Manager? Answer The important bit is to not allow the download manager (Adobe DLM) to run, but instead click the link where it says ‘If it does not start, click here to download’. AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : Frank … Read more

Is it possible to recover a computer from a failed BIOS update?

While attempting the update the BIOS on an Asus motherboard, i learned the Asus Update Utility for Windows doesn’t fully support Windows 64-bit. It was able to erase the BIOS without problems, but failed to write the new BIOS. i knew that when i next rebooted the computer: it would be a brick. When i … Read more

Flash overrides Firefox keyboard shortcuts — how to turn that off?

I often cycle through my Firefox tabs using Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab. But whenever it reaches a tab that is running a Flash (or similar) plugin, Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab won’t work anymore, because Flash has the focus and overwrites the general keybindings. I have to stop and click outside of the Flash app to continue the … Read more

In Google Chrome on Linux, where is the flv if not in /tmp?

I like to keep videos because I like buffering them and then playing them back-to-back in my media player, I want to be able to stop/restart my browser without losing all the buffered video, and Flash frequently crashes and gives me the gray boxes. For many sites with Flash video (including Youtube), I can find … Read more

Why will a USB flash drive get so hot when plugged into a Windows computer?

I have a laptop. When there is a Windows 10 OS on it, even if there is no data read or written, the USB flash drive will get extremely hot when just plugged into the computer. However, with the same computer, with Linux installed on it, the situation is totally different. When I write and … Read more