ubuntu 12.04 nmcli doesn’t list connections under one no-login user

I am running bacula as my backup system and I would like to run a script before some backup jobs to establish a VPN connection and access some servers that don’t have public IPs. I have configured a PPTP VPN that I can start successfully with the command nmcli con up uuid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx bacula is … Read more

LibreOffice Impress: script to download images from file

I would like to export all images contained in slideshow files with command-line instructions. I am aware that I could convert the files into PDF documents and then use pdfmod to export the images. In that case, though, I have noted that the images that had been rotated in the slideshow also maintain that rotation … Read more

Use xinetd to make a script telnetable

I have a script, which has to be run via telnet localhost port I have a script (USER.sh), and configured /etc/xinetd.d/user. But whenever I connect, I get an error message saying: TERM environment variable not set. So I tried to add the following line to the script: export TERM=xterm-256color But that didn’t work either. Attempt … Read more

PHP calling Bash-script

I have real problems getting this PHP-script “search.php” that is called from a “form.htm” to work. What am I doing wrong here? <?php $old_path = getcwd(); chdir(‘/var/www/html/SOKHJALPMEDEL/’); $term1 = $_POST[‘query1’]; $argument1 = $_GET[‘$term1’]; $term2 = $_POST[‘query2’]; $argument2 = $_GET[‘$term2’]; echo $nu_kor_vi1; $outcome = shell_exec(“sokare $argument1 $argument2”); chdir($old_path); echo “<pre>$outcome</pre>”; ?> The script is calling a … Read more

Auto Hotkey- script which checks if bandicam recording is “running”

I would like to have your thoughts or help about how make this script to look Bandicam up running and recording at that moment. I have successfully made one script which is working at short of level. I found it from Auto Hotkey’s help forum topic named to “If” program is not running “then” start … Read more

User Groups. Is there a group for just standard users?

I know that there is a group for Admins but I need one for just standard users for this command. FOR /f “skip=6 delims=” %%u IN (‘net localgroup (Group here)’) DO (IF “%%u” NEQ “The command completed successfully.” echo %%u) I need it to list all of the standard users. BTW I use batch and … Read more