Where does the Win10 Toast Notification snoozed data reside?

I just created a powershell script to show a toast notification with a Snooze button with time options. This is what I have problems with: Toast Notification with Snooze option Every time I execute the script I want to check if there is a previous snoozed notification and if there is the scrip will exit … Read more

Windows 10 Action Center Notifications – Chrome Missing

Chrome Notifications do not show up in the action center. I have checked for similar questions being asked but I’ve yet to come across a resolution to this issue. Notifications are presented, but when the notification retracts it does not end up in the Action Center. “Enable Native Notifications” is enabled in chrome://flags. Chrome is … Read more

Any way to force-reset Snip & Sketch’s notification settings?

For about 1+ week ago my Snip & Sketch notifications completely went wako: no matter what I select in configuration, I never see on-screen banners; I always have to go to Action Center to see them, I see Snip & Sketch’s notifications in Action Center even if I disable this functionality. Here is a pretty … Read more

Missing “Send to Action Center” arrow in notification banners

On my old PC each notification’s banner shows: x which closes it permanently (the same, if I do nothing and notification disappears) ⇾ which sends it to Action Center On my new PC I can’t get ⇾ to be displayed. I keep seeing only x and three dot that shows menu. Clicking x always sends … Read more

Toast Notifications showing mixed user profile pictures for Outlook emails

We recently upgraded to Windows 10 last week at our company. Since then a growing number of our users have reported showing the wrong persons profile picture for an email or Teams message on toast notifications. This seems to be temporarily corrected by clearing the ActionCenterCache folder, however we were hoping for a more long … Read more

How to get rid of message “Windows could not check for updates automatically”?

I have a managed Windows 7 PC, on which I don’t have control over the download and installation of Windows updates. In my Action Center notification icon in the taskbar I keep having the message Windows could not check for updates automatically. (Important) along with other notifications. However, since I have no control over Windows … Read more

Bluetooth button missing from Action Center on Windows 10 system with VMWare client installed

Problem: You have a Windows 10 system where the Bluetooth button is missing from the Action Center (the notifications panel), and all bluetooth features of Windows seem to be disabled. Furthermore, the problem may be intermittent; sometimes the bluetooth features are there, and sometimes not. In Windows Settings > Devices, any bluetooth devices may simply … Read more