Can’t bug report steam on Ubuntu 15.04

I did a ubuntu-bug steam (can’t do ubuntu bug -w because steam won’t start) and I get the following message: The problem cannot be reported: The report belongs to a package that is not installed. How can I bug report steam? Answer Did you install via -Wine or without -Wine? Anyhow I would just reinstall … Read more

Installing Ubuntu 15.04 along side Windows 8.1

I have a 120 GB SSD in my laptop, and it runs windows 8.1 (not preinstalled). I have countless times dual or triple-booted the laptop when I ran Windows 7. Now I want to dual-boot it with Win 8.1 and Ubuntu 15.04, but Gparted and the Ubuntu installer wont let me re-size the sda2 partion … Read more

Ubuntu 15.04 not working with Broadcom B4311 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Installing Broadcom Wireless Drivers (43 answers) Closed 6 years ago. I’ve installed a fresh copy of Xubuntu 15.04 and I can’t get my Broadband B4311 Wifi card working. I had Ubuntu GNOME 14.04, and I solved the problem using the b43 driver, so I’d already done a lot of … Read more

15.04 Error updating boot sequence update-rc.d

I am trying to get Sickrage to auto start, and I’m hitting a wall at the command sudo update-rc.d sickrage defaults Here is the error: initctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused The script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an Upstart job, but lsb-header … Read more

“Starting version 219” after kernel upgrade to 3.19.0-18

Today after kernel upgrade from 3.19.0-16 to 3.19.0-18 lightdm fails to start. GPU driver is fglrx installed from “Additional drivers” tab of “Software & updates”. Try to enable service by running sudo systemctl enable lightdm.service -f doesn’t help because service failed to start. See syslog: May 22 19:49:05 SSERG-U38DT systemd[1]: Started Update UTMP about System … Read more

How to resize a crypt-luks partition that takes all hard drive?

I want to shrink the partition to be able to install a windows OS, but i installed ubuntu 15.04 with encryption of the logical volume, gparted doesn’t support crypt-luks so what do i do? Answer Support for resizing LUKS partitions is being added right now to KDE Partition Manager. Grow support is already done in … Read more

After upgrading to 2015.04, VirtualBox crashes at Windows VM start, nothing in log

I have many Linux and Windows virtual machines, they were fine on a Ubuntu 2014.04 host. I recently updated the host to 2015.04, and all of the Windows VMs have stopped working. All Linux VMs are fine. Both VirtualBox 4.3.26 from the Ubuntu repository and VirtualBox 4.3.28 from the project’s website have the problem. When … Read more