Cannot install sound theme in 11.10

I found some tutorials in Google Search about installing new sound theme for Ubuntu, I made a copy sound theme (folder) into /usr/share/sounds. It was easy to copy with commands but I cannot choose new sound theme in System SettingsSound. I’ve used gconf-editor to enter new sound theme manually in desktopgnomesound, with No success.

What’s the problem with this way? Anyone who succeeded in changing into a new sound theme on Ubuntu 11.10, please let me know.


By using the dconf-editor, you can change the sound theme.

If you had not installed the dconf-editor, you can install it by the following command in terminal.

sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

Type the following in terminal.


And, Set theme name in “org> gnome> desktop> sound> theme-name”

theme name is sound theme directory name. (/usr/share/sounds/theme name )

Source : Link , Question Author : Hieu Ha Minh , Answer Author : wildjiji

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