Zabbix send email to only one user

I configured trigger action to sending email to 3 users, but only one user recaives email notifications. I checked bellow:

  1. All users set to enable email in media
  2. All users set to availabity 24/7 and all severity alert
  3. Email addresses are correct
  4. Users are enabled

I found only one diffrence. User, who recaive emails have super admin role, others have admin role. Maybe someone has similar problem? What I have do to all users recaive email notification?

Screenshot from configuration:

operation details

enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here

I discovered one thing: change user role from User or Admin to Super Admin resolving my problem. But I don’t want assign this role to notifications users


Source : Link , Question Author : Kedar709 , Answer Author : Community

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