XAMPP error 403 on fresh install

I just installed XAMPP on my Ubuntu 9.10 box according to the instructions here and as far as I can see, everything was followed exactly per instructions, including setting up the soft link to my folder. When I try to browse to http://localhost/ everything works fine, and the XAMPP page comes right up, but when I try to browse to http://localhost/me or http://localhost/me/index.html i get an error 403 message. My folders and files inside are set to 755 permissions, and I’m not seeing anything that looks like an issue, but I don’t really know how to troubleshoot this. Does anyone have any ideas what I can look at and change to get this working right? Thanks.


First, make sure that permissions are correct on your DocumentRoot, but also every folder above that in the tree. Whatever user your apache is running as needs to be able to cd through those folders. What do your apache error_logs say about these 403 errors?

Second, why are you using XAMPP in ubuntu? Installing LAMP in ubuntu is really as easy as a single command, and you’ll end up with a far more secure and standardized environment than you will with XAMPP.

If this server is for development only, XAMPP is probably okay, but don’t even think about using XAMPP for a production site – that’s not what it was made for, and you’re just asking for trouble if you do that.

Source : Link , Question Author : Tom A , Answer Author : EEAA

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