Wireshark not displaying GET or POST data [closed]

I’m a student and I’m taking my first networking class. I’m working on an assignment designed to get me used to using Wireshark and understanding packet transfers. Part of the assignment is to collect some data about a certain GET request, but my Wireshark isn’t showing anything related to GET or POST requests.

I’ve discussed this with my instructor and he can’t figure it out, either. I’ve tried uninstalling/reinstalling Wireshark, but haven’t gotten anything different.

Here’s what I’m getting when I should be getting GET data:

TCP http > 16070 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=0 Win=14600 Len=0 MSS=1460 SACK_PERM=1 WS=512

This is the first packet I get when connecting to the required server. From what I’ve gathered from the assignment instructions and the instructor, this should get a GET request. Anyone have any ideas?


The first thing you should see is not your HTTP GET request but the TCP 3 way handshake (session establishment/creation), part of which is what you’ve shown in your question.

Client ->> SYN ->> Server

Client <<- SYN ACK <<- Server

Client ->> ACK ->> Server

This establishes the session between the client and the server. After the session is established you’ll see the HTTP traffic between the client and the server.

Source : Link , Question Author : user82130 , Answer Author : joeqwerty

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