Windows Server 2012 Essentials static route [closed]

Does anyone know if this possible?

We have an SBS 2008 domain controller on our network. We also now have a Windows Server 2012 Essentials server. Ideally I’d have this join the existing domain, but I know this is not possible in this version.

Could I setup the Win 2012 machine as an independent domain, on a different subnet, and bridge the two LANs?

Would this cause any issues related to their being two domain controllers running? I know ordinarily having two (essentially SBS) servers on the same network would cause one to reboot.


This is where I think a lot of people get this wrong. When you hear or read There can only be one SBS server on the network what you should understand is that they’re using the term network in the colloquial sense. What they mean is There can only be one SBS server joined to, and a member of, the same Active Directory domain.

You can have, and I’ve seen many times, multiple Active Directory domains (with and without SBS) sharing the same physical network and in some cases using the same layer 3 address space.

There are really only two issues to watch for in this scenario:

  1. DHCP. If SBS detects another DHCP server on the network it will shut it’s DHCP service down.

  2. IP addressing. Making sure that you’re not using the same ip addresses for hosts in each domain, and inadvertently creating ip address conflicts, becomes more of a challenge.

Source : Link , Question Author : pierre , Answer Author : joeqwerty

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