Windows 2008 R2 Memory Management [closed]

How does Windows manage physical and virtual memory? As I understand it, once the system fully utilizes physical memory, it will engage virtual memory. How is virtual memory managed? If physical memory becomes available, will it move from virtual to physical? or remain in virtual until the process or application ends?

So in theory, if application Z starts and physical memory if fully utilized, it will use virtual memory. Will application Z ever move to physical memory? or will it remain in virtual memory space until it closes or ends?

Thank You!


The question is arguably off-topic, but there is at least one good answer:

Get the Windows Internals book(s) from MS Press and read them, specifically Chapter 10 (6th Edition) These are probably the best overall guide to how Windows works (and the chapter on memory management is quite detailed).

Source : Link , Question Author : user2565554 , Answer Author : Ward – Reinstate Monica

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