Windows 10: Restore hidden application windows

Every once in a while, I mistakenly Hold Alt and Shift while typing 2 or 3 or 4 (but not 1). When that happens, then one of the applications I have open disappears. Note that this doesn’t mean its window is minimised or behind other applications. Rather, it disappears from the task bar and from Alt+Tab and Windows+Tab listings, but still appears in Task Manager. And if it has an icon in the system tray, then that icon stays there too.

I have suspected that I’m moving applications to a different desktop of some sort (desktop 2 or 3 or 4, me currently being on number 1), but I have only one desktop.

How do I bring my application windows back?


Turns out this is my own fault. I was running Dexpot, but only for its ability to pin windows. Since I never used its virtual desktop functionality, I never thought of it as such.

Source : Link , Question Author : Adám , Answer Author : Adám

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