Wi-fi goes out after my computer suspends

First off, in 13.10, there is no hibernate option in the power setting. And even then, when I change the setting they don’t stay saved like they did in 13.04. But my main problem is when I wake my computer up from going into the “suspend” state, the wi-fi is basically off and dead. I’ve tried reconnecting manually, but it says my wi-fi is out of reach. Any fixes?


This should restore wifi on a one-off basis when this occurs:

sudo nmcli nm sleep false

And this has worked as a more permanent workaround for me:

sudo touch /etc/pm/sleep.d/wakenet.sh

sudo chmod +x /etc/pm/sleep.d/wakenet.sh

sudo gedit /etc/pm/sleep.d/wakenet.sh

Insert the following lines:

case "$1" in
nmcli nm sleep false
exit $?

And then save.

I found this solution here.

Source : Link , Question Author : Caulin Sheridan , Answer Author : mrm

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