why linux assigns ephemeral ports out of its range

I have a server running mysql, ssh and other services. I want to see the range for ephemeral ports available for the OS running:

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range

which returns 32768 – 61000.
When I run

sudo netstat -anp

I get in the foreign addresses, many ips and also ports outside the range stated before.

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0           ESTABLISHED 1483/mysqld

Which looks to me that my server is assigning port 63192 to the remote host, which is not it’s allocated range.
How is this possible? am I not looking the ephemeral ports in the right place? am I not understanding properly the output of netstat? Am I not understanding how ephemeral ports work at all?


Ephemeral ports are for outbound connections only, not inbound. You have no control over the foreign ephemeral port.

Source : Link , Question Author : Simon Ernesto Cardenas Zarate , Answer Author : guzzijason

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