Why does my XP client try to join a domain with the pre-windows 2000 domain name?

I do not have problems with any other clients (Win 7 Pro). But sometimes I have an XP SP3 client that will not join the domain. The reason is because it is looking for the pre-Windows 2000 domain name.

So I have my “real” domain name as contoso.com and my pre-win name is contoso (not real names obviously).

The reason this fails is because I upgraded my AD to 2008 R2. There are no more records in _ldap for the old domain “short name.” When I do a query with nslookup, set q=srv, I do not get the old pre-win 2k domain name, only the current one that I upgraded.

This makes sense, and I understand why the XP client doesn’t find the old domain pre-win name. That old pre-win2k name is no longer in DNS.

To be clear. I did not change domain names. I had a Windows 2000 SP4 domain. I upgraded my AD to 2008 R2. The pre-win2k is still listed. To complicate it, I have a remaining Win2k DC and my domain functional level is stuck at 2000 native for the moment.

I was able to finally join my domain by forcing the NIC to use NetBIOS names, but I am concerned. I tried all I could to remove any domain name caching on the XP client.

Is something wrong with my XP client or my domain? The computer used to be connected to the domain. I removed it. Removed it from the domain, etc. Later tried to rejoin then the above.

It is similar but not completely to this:

Windows XP cant join Server 2008 Domain


edit: I have no WINS servers. In DNS for each DNS server, I unchecked WINS. I do not have WINS in the client either.


Source : Link , Question Author : johnny , Answer Author : Community

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