Why do laptops need fans but tablets don’t?

I’m curious why a tablet doesn’t need fans but all laptops do, even the cheap and less powerful netbooks. I thought at first it would be that the screen on a tablet is smaller than a laptop, so the graphics chip doesn’t have to be as powerful and so doesn’t generate as much heat. But then the new iPads have retina display which have a much bigger resolution than most laptops.

Then I thought maybe it’s because tablets don’t multitask like laptops can, but some Android tablets can have 2 (at least) apps open at once, and even jailbroken iPads can. While some low end netbooks struggle to run a web browser and word processor.

If you attach a keyboard to tablet you have a laptop, so why do laptops seem to generate disproportionate amounts of heat?

Is the difference between ARM and Intel/AMD chips? If so what is it about the different chip designs that make Intel/AMD produce so much more heat than ARM chips?


Tablets don’t need fans because their CPUs (processors) have a different architecture that is more power efficient and doesn’t generate as much waste heat. This is also why they are able to get 10 hours of run-time on a relatively small battery.

The other side of this, though, is that the tablet processor is no where near as powerful as a laptop processor, even cheap netbooks. This is why, for example, nearly all tablet operating systems absolutely prevent you from running more than one app at a time, or two at most, and strictly limit what kinds of tasks apps are able to do in the background.

We are seeing some rapid convergence, though… tablet processors are closing the performance gap with each generation, and chip designers are also working to make laptop/desktop processors more and more power efficient.

Source : Link , Question Author : Jonathan. , Answer Author : Joel Coehoorn

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