Who to follow on Twitter if you are interested in Ubuntu?

I’d like to know whom I should follow on Twitter, to get my daily dose of Ubuntu news, tips, and random bits.

Which members from the Ubuntu community are active on Twitter?


These are people related to Ubuntu, in some capacity or other. Most of them are developers, and UI designers. Some are fansites. I will keep adding more as I find them.

Ubuntu Evangelist, and owner of Canonical: Mark Shuttleworth.

Unity’s Technical Lead and Canonical DX Team Member: Neil Patel.

Fansite: OMG Ubuntu.

Fansite: Ubuntu Gamer.

Blog and Fansite: Planet Ubuntu.


Canonical Design Team Lead: Ivanka Majic

Ubuntu Engineering Director: Rick Spencer

UX & visual designer for Ubuntu: Mateusz Tomaszewski

Open Source Consultant, Developer: Richard Johnson

Ubuntu Community Manager: Jono Bacon

Official Twitter Channel of The Ubuntu Cloud: UbuntuOne

The Canonical Design Team: Ubuntu Designers

Project Manager at Ubuntu: Iain Farell

Source : Link , Question Author : Smotko , Answer Author : theTuxRacer

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