Which version of H263 does libavcodec support?

Which version of H263 does libavcodec support?

I’m looking for H263 2000 (v3/H263++) support, but I can’t verify anywhere
that that’s what being supported.


Since FFmpeg official documentation (libavcodec is part of ffmpeg) states that only these versions of H263 are supported:

  1. H.263 / H.263-1996
  2. H.263+ / H.263-1998 / H.263 version 2

I think it would be a fair shot to presume that H263++ isn’t supported by libavcodec (the official docs don’t include it). To be 100% sure, I’d check it traditional way – download libavcodec and try to use it with a sample H263++ video 😉

BTW – I think this question belongs to superuser.

Source : Link , Question Author : Johan Carlsson , Answer Author : Neo

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